shows the BORG servermanager frontend as it appears after start. You see a server and projects section which display connected servers and created projects.
Shows the first part of the Project Dialog where you create and edit your projects. Here you set every rendrib option for your project. Each projects consits of a single- or multiframe rib file.
Shows the second part of the "New Project Dialog" where you set the rgl options. You can also load and save projects or options.
Shows the Manager frontend when some projects where added. Each project field has a statusbar which shows you how many pictures of this project had been rendered so far.
Shows the Manager frontend when some servers had been connected. Each server has a status field which shows you the progress of the current picture being rendered.
Shows the first part of the "Settings Dialog" where you can configure BORG.
Shows the first part of the "Settings Dialog" with more options.