We would like to announce that the first beta of version 0.5.00 is now available for download.
This version is only released for beta testing purposes.
Please download it if you want to participate at the beta test. See the BETATEST.README for details about the beta test.
Your BORG Developer Team.
We are glad to be able to announce, that the first beta version of BORG v0.5.00 will be released on Monday, the 14th of October 2002.
You can download the beta version here on our website.
This beta will be a very early test version, whether does it contain all necessary features, nor is it supposed to work in its full quality.
We will not release the version v0.5.00 to the open source community as we considered once, however, there will always be a free version available. For more information on this, please be patient.
Would you like to become a betatester for BORG? If so, please write an email to .
Your BORG developer team.
To better suit the upcoming release and development processes the homepage has been completely restructured and -designed.
Yet most content referes to the upcoming version.
With support of additional renderer the name BORG - BMRT Ordinary Rendering GUI doesn't apply to the new purpose anymore. Therefore we came up with a new spelling:
BORG - BORG Open Rendering GUI.
The new version includes many changes and comes up with new features.
- besides the BMRT support of Rdc and 3Delight as the first of many RenderMan compliant renderer we plan to support
- still splitting
- new design
Another major change will affect the license model because version 0.5.00 will be released under the GNU puplic license (GPL). For this purpose a developer homepage will be published.
Within the next two weeks we will also publish a roadmap of the future BORG developement.
Besides this we also started our own company.
More details will be published in the roadmap.
Your BORG developer team.
We have added some screenshots of version 0.5.00. Please have a look at it and tell us what you think. Again sorry that you still need to wait a while to try it out.
The homepage has been updated to present features of the new version 0.5.00 (codename locutus). We have also added the links and gallery sites. The registration form has been eliminated - it was useless anyway. Should you have any suggestions how to improve BORG it would be a good time now to let us know because we are still programing on most parts of the software, so additional things can be easier implemented now.
We are sorry to announce that the release of the new version 0.5.00 (codename locutus) of BORG will move a little into the future.
There are several reasons for this, but basically we just don't have the time to work on BORG everyday (which we would like), so we expect that it will take at least two more months till the release version will be finished.
The new version includes many structural changes, effecting the GUI as well as internal mechanisms and functionality. We have also updated to the JAVA 1.3 platform, which means that you need to update to this platform in order to use the software.
BORG version 0.2.90 alpha is just released.
If you want to know what's new on this version just have a look at CHANGES.
Please feel free to join our forum for hints, suggestions, questions or to discuss problems.
The BORG email forum is now online and ready for discussions. We also slightly changed the homepage design, hopefully you like it.
At the end of August we will release a new version of BORG with new features and some improvements.
BORG version 0.2.21 alpha is released. This version fixes a bug in the install.x11 startup script for jre1.2.x. and prints out window sizes on Irix system for beta testing. Please select download at the menu to download BORG from a mirrorsite.
The next BORG version (v0.2.20 alpha) is just released and available for download.
BORG is now supporting Windows NT/95/98. BORG is also running on Irix systems but has not been testet yet. Sponsors for SGI systems are welcome. :-)
For additional features please have a look at the FEATURE LIST.
Please select download at the menu to download BORG from a mirrorsite.
BORG Version 0.2.00 (alpha) is just released and available for download. Please select download at the menu to download BORG from a mirrorsite.