---------------------------------------------- BORG (BMRT Ordinary Rendering GUI) Readme file ---------------------------------------------- Contents: ========= I) License agreements II) Requirements III) Installation guide IV) Starting BORG V) borg.conf and bserver.conf VI) The Settings menu VII) The BORG Informer ========= I) License agreements --------------------- With installing or using BORG or parts of it you agree with the terms and conditions of license.borg.txt. If you don't agree with the content you may not install or use this software or parts of it. II) Requirements ---------------- - a working Linux, SunOS, WinNT/95/98, (Irix) - Java Runtime Environment 1.1.7 or higher - BMRT 2.4 or higher - Servermanager needs a running X-server (on Unix systems) - make sure to have the rights to install BORG where you want it - Browser to view documentation - when your system and you meet all the requirements you can now install BORG... III) Installation guide ----------------------- - When BORG has already been installed on your system please remove all BORG folders and there content. Make sure you don't forget the folders/files in your home directory. - Unpack the borg.zip file to an install directory (e.g. /tmp) - Change directory to /.../borg_install/install_for_jre1.1.x when you are using jre1.1.x or change directory to /.../borg_install/install_for_jre1.2.x when you are using jre1.2.x. - Start install.bat to install BORG on Windows systems (NT/95/98) - Start install.sh for non graphic installation (only on Unix systems!) - Start install.x11 for graphic installation (needs a running X-server!) - After starting one of the install files you will be prompted to accept the terms of license.borg.txt - When running install.sh you can choose 4 installation modes: 1 - BORG Servermanager(sm) This will install the BORG Servermanager and the documentation 2 - BORG Server(bserver) This will install the BORG Server 3 - BORG Servermanager, Server and documentation This is a complete installation of BORG 4 - Quit and install nothing - Both installation procedures should be selfexplaining so here are just a view notes: - When you are not the only user of BORG make sure you don't install it to /user/borg where "user" is your home directory. Should you be the only user who starts BORG don't worry about this. If not read next chapter for details. - When asked for the language you can choose between english or german. This will set the language in which the Servermanager appears after start. Anyway both language files will be copied to your system. Please do not remove the one you don't use. - BORG can create a symbolic link pointing to the Servermanager or Server startup script. When installing BORG as "root" you may want to install the symlink so that each user has access to BORG. The links are named "borg" for the Servermanager and "bserver" for the Server. - When installing the Server you will be asked to enter the Servermanager IP. This is the IP of the computer where the Servermanager is supposed to run. The Server tries to connect to the Servermanager using this IP. Instead of an IP address you can also enter a hostname. - After everything has been entered, the install program creates the following directories and copies the files. BORG Servermanager: /path_of_sm - start script, license.borg.txt, README, CHANGES(.GERMAN), FEATURTELIST, WIN32.txt /path_of_sm/bin - program files /path_of_sm/doc - documentation /path_of_sm/etc.default - borg.conf and language files /path_of_sm/icons - servermanager desktop icon BORG Server: /path_of_bserver - start script, license.borg.txt, README, CHANGES(.GERMAN), FEATURTELIST, WIN32.txt /path_of_bserver/bin - program files /path_of_bserver/etc.default - bserver.conf /path_of_bserver/icons - server desktop icons - When using a Windows OS (NT/95/98) please read the Win32.txt first before starting BORG. - After installing BORG successfully you can now start the program... IV) Starting BORG ----------------- Starting the BORG Servermanager: - When using a Windows OS start the borg.bat located in the directory where you have installed the ServerManager - The install program should have created a start script in the path where the Servermanager has been installed named "borg.sh". Make sure its executable (should been done by the install program). If you have installed the symlink correct just type "borg" to start the Servermanager otherwise change to the Servermanager install path and run the start script. - When starting the Servermanager for the first time it will create the following personal directories and files in your home directory: /user/borg /user/borg/etc /user/borg/etc/borg.conf /user/borg/etc/language.borg.lang (both english and german) /user/borg/images /user/borg/options /user/borg/projects /user/borg/borg.log - The files are copied from the etc.default directory except the logfile. - For each user the Servermanager will create a /user/borg directory with the above listed files where "user" is your home directory (That's why you don't want to install BORG in that directory because usally BORG can't read from that directory when someone else is starting it.) - When the Servermanager has started, first check the settings by clicking on the "Settings" button to make sure everything has been set right. For detailed information please read the documentation and the next chapters. Starting the BORG Server: - When using a Windows OS start the bserver.bat located in the directory where you have installed the Server - The install program should have created a start script in the path where the Server has been installed named "bserver.sh". Be sure its executable (should been done by the install program). If you have installed the symlink correct just type "bserver" to start the Server otherwise change to the Server install path and run the start script. - When starting the Server for the first time it will create the following personal directories and files in your home directory: /user/borg /user/borg/etc /user/borg/etc/bserver.conf /user/borg/temp - The files are copied from the etc.default directory - For each user the Server will create a /user/borg directory with the above listed files where "user" is your home directory (That's why you don't want to install BORG in that directory because usally BORG can't read from that directory when someone else is starting it.) - You can start more than one Server on a single computer (e.g. on a multi processor system). If you do so make sure that each Server is running under a different account, also if your account is stored on a central server (shared volume accounts) run each Server under a different account. In some special cases it may cause Server crashes when you run them with a single account. - Before starting the Server visit the bserver.conf file and check the settings, especially path variables. For detailed information please read the documentation and the next chapters. - Server and Servermanager should now work fine. V) borg.conf and bserver.conf ----------------------------- - Servermanager and Server read their configuration from the above files, damaging them may cause abnormal behavior. - The config files are stored in /user/borg/etc where "user" is your home directory. Should you accidently delete a config file BORG will copy a new one with default settings from the etc.default directory. - Therefore the files in /etc.default are quite important. Make sure you don't delete or damage them. - Should it be neccessary to change some of the settings written in the bserver.conf file (e.g. Servermanager IP, BMRT path ...) you need to edit this file manual. - Make sure that the SERVER_PORT entry in the bserver.conf is the same as the BORG_PORT entry in the borg.conf. - To edit settings of the Servermanager you can click on the "Settings" button and enter your settings in the "BORG Settings Dialog". The borg.conf file will be written by the Servermanager. More information about this Dialog in the next chapter and documentation ... VI) BORG Settings Dialog ------------------------ - Changes of the Servermanager configuration are made in this Dialog, you can set paths, verbose modes (will be implemented in future versions), asking modes, language and other stuff. - You can view the BORG Documentation by clicking on the "Help" button. In order to do so you need to set the Browser executable first. - The BMRT path is needed to execute rgl - the preview renderer of the BMRT, it is expected that you enter the rgl executable path (usually /.../BMRT/bin). - Sometimes you will be asked to confirm actions. In the Settings Dialog you can set wether you want to be asked or not. By default everything is set to "yes", so you'll see where BORG is asking you and where not. Mostly, an asking mode is named after the button which invokes the action but see for yourself or view the documentation for more info. VII) The BORG Informer ---------------------- - The BORG Informer is a web server included in the ServerManager that allows you to observe the render progress via webbrowser from any other computer of your network. - It also allows you to view the BORG documentation, the borg.log and the borginformer.log. - In the Settings Dialog you can set if you want the Informer to send these files or not. In addition you can change the portnumber and update rates. - Here is an example how to access the BORG Informer: http://hostname_where_ServerManager_is_running:portnumber example: http://renderserver:1175 or http://localhost:1175 - The default port is 1175. You can change this number if you like. ---------------------- Blue Moon Rendering Tools (BMRT) Copyright by Larry I. Gritz.