################################ # changes since version 0.2.21 # ################################ new features since version 0.2.21 --------------------------------- - BORG INFORMER, this feature allows you to observe the render proccess via browser. You can set varios options and you have a status window. BORG INFORMER creates a NCSA/apache conform log file. - default picture directory, you can enter this directory in the "Settings Dialog", it appears then in the "New Project Dialog" (when creating a new project) as picture directory. [feature suggested by Ahmaud Templeton] - BORG ServerManager port number now included in the "Settings Dialog" and changeable. Bugfixes from version 0.2.21 to 0.2.90 -------------------------------------- the following bugs had been fixed: - NullPointerException when loading global Projects; The error occured when attempting to load a global file (xxx.borg.glp) but the matching directory (xxx.borg.dir) did not exist. - NullPointerException when loading Project files; The error occured when the .rib file specified in the Project file did not exist. This caused a crash of Borg when trying to render the "infected" Projects. - error in interpreting the Settings in borg.conf; The settings for "Ask to start rendering" and "Ask to restart rendering" had been ignored. The user was always asked. - Crop setting error in the new/edit dialog; It wasn't possible to enter the Crop values correctly. ################################ # changes since version 0.2.20 # ################################ Bugfixes from version 0.2.20 to 0.2.21 -------------------------------------- the following bugs had been fixed: - error in the install.x11 startup script for jre1.2.x [error reported by Hannu Napari] ################################ # changes since version 0.2.00 # ################################ new features since version 0.2.00 --------------------------------- - you can now start Servers on Unix systems (Linux, Solaris, IRIX) with an optional IP address (e.g.: > bserver The Server tries to connect to the ServerManager(SM) using this IP address and ignores the IP in the bserver.conf. - instead of IP addresses you can now use host names in the bserver.conf and when starting a bserver (e.g.: > bserver alpha.company) Bugfixes from version 0.2.00 to 0.2.20 -------------------------------------- the following bugs had been fixed: - NullPointerException when connecting a Server to the SM; The error occured when no host or dns entry existed and the identification of the Server took to long, which caused a timeout while synchronizing - only 50 Server were accepted by the SM; Every additional Server was rejected by the SM. - error when creating the "Picture Directory" in the "Project Dialog" (new/edit); The SM asked to create a not existing directory but didn't do so, when the question was answered positiv. This caused errors when saving rendered pictures. - error when connecting Servers without upper level domain; A Server without upper level domain (like "alpha" or "renderstation01") could not connect to the SM. The connection had been immediately closed by the SM. Only connections to Servers like beta.company or renderstation01.mycompany.xxx had been accepted. - log file directory had been ignored; The log file had always been created in the home directory, ignoring the entries in "Settings" and in the borg.conf.